Starting this year off, America has bombed Iraq and killed an Iranian defense minister. Why people still support the government, I have no idea.

Im losing so much hope, so quickly, that the United States will ever be a good country again. I want to say that the government is separate from the people but in most cases this is not true. The people are just as bad as the government because they keep allowing the government to commit atrocities against their “enemies” and their own people.

This “white nationalist terrorist epidemic” is just a Jewish ploy to eradicate us. Yet we sit and watch it happen. It feels so disheartening because we never really got anywhere to begin with. Most white americans sit idly by and watch their neighbors get taken awat by the secret police who are really just regular police officers “doing their job”.

I fucking hate cops and I fucking hate America. Thank god the founding fathers had some brains because the current leadership doesnt. The founding fathers seemed to be fully aware that the majority of the people have no brains either. They are pawns. Although, back then being mindless was a compliment compared to mindless now.

I just hate to sit and watch my race and my country be destroyed. I want to see my friends and my family marching out in the street. I want people to get riled up and take it to the government, not to their phones. The government is not scared of us anymore. They can do whatever they please because we will never be able to coordinate and motivate ourselves to get out and get active. We need to do something. We need to get off our ass and fucking do something. Fuck you lazy ass americans. Fuck you all for sitting there and letting the government destroy everything. Fuck you for ignoring the problem until it becomes your reality.

When will you ever fucking do something?!?

Local vs Government Policing

Throughout the history of the United States, one of the most controversial topics has been the police. The police are not what they used to be. No, now they are over paid and under educated military wannabes who were rejects in high school and have less than half of a brain. If I get stopped by an older police officer I know that more likely than not I have nothing to worry about, but if theyre younger I am afraid. Older police officers have the old way of life and old set of morals instilled in them. They follow an unwritten code of conduct (mostly), and are far more agreeable and human than the police of today.

I suppose that its very telling, the way the police behave nowadays. It shows just the kind of world we live in and what passes for acceptable. The US police force is becoming so increasingly militarized you’d think we live in the Soviet Union. Tell me what, WHAT, police force needs Armored Personnel Carriers? Why do the police need tanks and mobile assault vehicles? To use against civilians? Yes, crime has changed but not to that degree. Its like the police expect a full blown revolution every time they go to budget. There is nothing you can do to convince me that police today are sane and rational people deserving of any sort of respect. This is beside the point that I wanted to make though, let me get on topic.

Policing has been a question since the inception of the country. It is written into our Constitution that we are to maintain a well regulated militia, yet the government is afraid of them. As they should be. This brings the question of what type of police force we should use. Should regional police forces be as strong as they are? Or should a civilian regulated militia/patrol group enforce the majority of local law. The way I see it is that police should only be used as a last resort.

Think back to the days of the frontier: the populace of a town or village would handle most crime on its own before going to the regional police force. It has been that way for hundreds of years, as long as there has been organised government. In the days of the Bible if someone killed your goat, you might go steal from them and it was deemed as acceptable. The Romans didn’t have time to deal with all the shenanigans. So I take this approach when thinking about the ideal way to police.

A sticker showing that this area of Germany is patrolled by AntiKap

I believe that political organisations in conjunction with a local militia should be the police force. The idea of a right wing political group patrolling my streets and cleaning nature sounds good to me. They dont necessarily need to be armed, thats the purpose of a militia. Nor does a militia need to always have active members out and patrolling. I think that the idea of a militia is that they are to react when called upon. If there is an armed robbery, and not a very major one, the militia can respond to it and apprehend the suspect. Then turn them over to the regional police force. This creates a lot more trust in a society and allows youth to become involved in upholding the law in their area as well as giving them discipline and a bunch of role models. Its sort of like the idea of a neighborhood watch, except more useful.

A member of Italy’s National Guard.
Members of the National Guard patrolling the streets in Italy.

Italy passed a law which allows civilian “private patrol groups” to patrol city streets and prevent crime. In my opinion, every country needs this. They are to be unarmed although I am sure exceptions are made for non lethal weapons like a flashlight or baton. I think that this is the approach law enforcement should take. It saves the tax payers money and helps reduce government size and reach. It creates a safer and closer knit community. Obviously the state police or federal police are available in the case of a major event, like a shooting. I think all countries should legalize firearms too.

In the case of the United States, it is more likely that a civilian owning a firearm will be able to respond more quickly and efficiently than a police officer. Allowing armed citizens to patrol and keep their community safe would drastically reduce both crime and major killings. This would also give a positive and safe example to children on how to handle firearms and the idea that they are much like cars in that they are a tool, but can be fun in the appropriate manner. Obviously no one wants to have to shoot someone. This would be taught by example. Plus, few people would be stupid enough to rob someones house when the neighbor could call the neighborhood watch/militia and have them show up in minutes.

I hope and pray that someday the United States allows militias and civilian patrol organisations. They can be used for much more than just crime. In the event of a natural disaster often times the local emergency services get spread too thin and cant operate correctly, so civilians or paramilitary type groups would be able to step in and assist. In the case of even cleaning up the environment the local militia could organize events in coordination with teenagers or school children on weekends, or could go on their own to help.

Another point I would like to add, which is sort of off topic. I DO NOT think police should be allowed to hide out and give speeding tickets. In general I think that speeding tickets are absurd. People should only be ticketed for reckless and dangerous driving. All drivers should also have to take high speed driving courses because too many people are beyond brainless when they drive. This goes for the police as well. An undercover police car used for speeding is entrapment. Speeding traps are entrapment. The police very often will pull someone over just to fill the ticket quotas which supposedly “do not exist”. This needs to stop.

In Lodz Poland the police have taken a different approach to street racing.

A perfect example of how to safely allow drivers to have fun is in Lodz. The police shut down the street every now and then to allow drivers to drag race right down a main city street. This is genius. Police need to be more aware of how fast and capable cars are now and adapt. Do something different. But that is for another post.

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