The dangers of irony

Hey guys, please check out my most recent video on Youtube covering how irony and the avoidance of serious conversation leads to problems within society.

If anyone knows how to edit images better please let me know. Currently I am stuck on fixed images and I dont know how to do simple transitions to other images. My email is in my Youtube bio and my blog bio


If anyone reading this wants advice or has questions please comment or email me. You can find my business email on Youtube. I like the idea of my “fans” having the ability to talk to me.

I know, too, that sometimes its lonely or depressing especially with the current state of the world. But I can always offer some advice “unofficially” of course, because I am no therapist but we are a community and should be there for each other. I also have a lot of song recommendations and a couple Spotify playlists for anyone who is interested.

Sunset. A lone sailboat Artist: Ivan Aivazovsky, 1853 Romanticism ...
Ivan Aivazovsky

All my shit is up now

So I took the time between today and yesterday to actually go ahead and create all teh necessary items. Here are the links:




Please take a look at this and consider helping me out. I really want this all to take off in some way or another so Im not just some guy who sits at his computer like a retard and has some stupid hobby. I would really like to make it all work and I really want to get my messages out there, but that requires people wanting them and wanting to help me do that. Its never an easy thing to ask for support like that, especially when youre new, but I figured I would go ahead and try to be somewhat professional about it.

Heres a song thats been stuck in my head, despite being out of my typical listening category.:

This is a sweet song

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